in , , by Nadia Johari, 18:36:00
hai everyone..

Modern Indian Weddings as they are

Traditions change as time flies, and even such a great culture as India lives through some impressive know-hows. Of course, elderly people would not agree, saying that traditional weddings are the best and today eastern European brides’ dresses are a disgrace for their generation. But is it so?

Indian wedding is not only the connection of two young people, but also the beginning of a new life. By tradition, wedding is preceded by creating a horoscope of a man and a woman in order for their characters to match together, so that the family life flows without controversy or quarrels. Indian weddings have always been famous for their luxury and wealth. According to the existing tradition, the parents of the bride organize the wedding. Celebrating and holding all the necessary rituals last four to five days, but preparation for the wedding begins long before the wedding ceremony.

Some things never change

Hindu marriage is always divided into three stages: pre-wedding ceremonies, wedding rites, and rituals after the wedding. The meals served during this period consist exclusively of dairy-vegetarian dishes. The consumption of meat, fish and eggs is prohibited. The rituals of North Indian weddings are somewhat different from those held in southern India.

India is a country of people belonging to different religions, castes and communities, people speaking different languages and belonging to different cultures. This variety is reflected in the wedding ceremonies.

Bride’s business

Usually, organization and payment of the wedding lays entirely on the bride's family’s shoulders. If the bride does not have enough money, then weddings are cancelled, there are plenty of cases when this happens. It is important that the bride can feed the entire clan of the groom, the relatives like second cousins and grandchildren also appear at the event. Still, Indians like to show their wealth, so families still invite all sorts of neighbors and other people, for example, bystanders and foreigners.

Painfully expensive

In addition to the fact that the bride's family needs to pay the entire wedding (the average price of relatively wealthy families pours out somewhere at a cost of 15-20 thousand dollars), they still have a dowry, which a bride should have unconditionally. Although a dowry was legislatively banned several years ago, but still, traditions have impeccable value for Indian people, so that no modern laws will force to break old customs.

What are the requirements?

The bride must be provided with everything - dresses, jewelry, make-up supplies, other necessary things. Plus, the bride's father must also organize the whole life of the newlyweds - from pots and pans to a motorcycle or car.

Even though some requirements might be forgotten for the sake of economy and modernity, Indians stay the very nation to follow old traditions and customs, which is amazing! Although wedding suits, dresses or accessories may vary, but the very core never changes: Indians still want to see their favorite and sacred family at the wedding ceremony, there is no thing as running away and spending time with closes friends. It is not a good tradition, nor a good tone either. Brides still wear read and bangles for good luck, grooms still arrive in an Indian manner, even though we can see a white limousine instead of a white mare.

Indians respect other heritages, so you can often see the mixture of a Hindu and Christian wedding, which is a whole lot of experience. You still get to enjoy the most exquisite and tasty dishes, supplied in great amounts, dance to cheerful music and enjoy life. Isn’t it what happiness is about?
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  1. suka tengok wedding ceremony indian sebab costume and jewelleries memang meriah sangat

  2. Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin Nad. Kak Laili pernah pegi wedding jiran. Memang meriah sangat!

  3. Pemahaman Aida pd Indian wedding byk sebab i am a hindustan movie lover. Recently dah jatuh cinta dgn tamil movie.
    Their weddings are so colourful! Kemeriahannya seminggu dgn mcm2 jenis perkara penting. Tak pernah lagi aida ke wedding diorang. Sgt nak attend but ntah bila spt jemputan hi hi hi...

  4. Indian wessing always consist of so much tradition and the best part you can see the whole family members in the ceremony from the very start! :D

  5. Kawannofis k.el kawin ari tu pun mmg amik cuti lama ..kalah mana2 wedding tau sbb diorg byk yg best k.el suka tengok baju kawin tradisi diorg mmg meletop

  6. kita pernah pegi wedding jiran india dlu.. nmpk mcm biasa2.. tp meriah dia gila ahhh.. lg2 dgn perhiasan yg dorg pakai.. jd rambang mata jp tgknya.. haha..

  7. Memang suka juga tengok perkahwinan india, dari segi pakaian semua tu.. Mmg meriah sangat..

  8. Pakaian, kemeriahan dan suasana memang meriah kan. Rawlins suka tengok pakaian yang colourful - teringin gak nak hadir Indain wedding nie someday

  9. Suka dengan majlis perkahwinan indian..meriah sangat dengan attendees diorang, music dan tarian..pernah pergi wedding kawan kat PJ..memang meriah..memang happening...makanan pun sedap2

  10. tak pernah lagi pi indian wedding ni, mesti meriah macam dalam filem hindustan ni ek

  11. I attended a traditional Indian Wedding in Bombay before and I tell you... their protocol and ceremony took a few days.

  12. Rata-ratanya suka tengok busana pengantin diorang yang lip lap lip lqp cantik tu.. TB pun geran tengok.. macam umi aida pakai dalam drama mok cun tuuu.. cun sangat.. majlus kahwin india yang TB pernah pi biasa2 aje.. tak macam dalam cerita hindustan tu.. heee

  13. cantik-cantik betul baju wedding dan aksesori indian ni. Teringin plak nak pakai saja-saja buat amik gambar, hehe

  14. Aksesori mereka selalu menarik hati saya. Memang best macam yg kita tgk kat movie hollywood 😃

  15. Indian wedding memang meriah ooo...dengan baju dengan music memang meriah 1 taman. Kat rumah ni kiri kanan depan belakang jiran india, dorang kalau buat majlis memang meriah, kita jiran ni sampai terintai2 nak nengok suasananya hahah

  16. Budaya mereka byk dlm budaya pkahwinan melayu kan.. berbezaan dowry tu perempuan yg byr..

  17. I think some of the wedding culture similar to Malay too. But they are more details and too much work pulak tu.

  18. i have attending a lot Indian wedding and to say modern or not, their traditional customs will never be forgotten and lots of cultures rule to follow as well. however, i really enjoy Indian wedding customs so much!!

  19. Kkeunikkan malaysia sebab kita kaya dengan budaya. Dan ini adalah antara satu budaya yg mmg unik tersendiri

  20. Lama idam idamkan bisa ikut acara wedding ala India gitu tp blom pernah kesampaian. Suka lihat baju2 india yang di kenakan saat pengantinan. Adat india selalu rame warna ya.

  21. for me the whole highlight of an indian wedding would be the dance floor...hahhaha i am an indian mixed child as well..though i would say we are more towards the modern side...but even so..expenses are always flying through the roof...hahahhah but it's true..indian weddings are amongst the liveliest!

  22. Ada jugak kwan yg Indian hindu n christian bercinta tapi cinta terhalang..sedih jugak dengar because they re so lovely couple..both parents cannot accept so both married to different people..huhu

  23. Suka tgk adat dan budaya mereka. Pun rasa nak join je wedding depa, nak tgk sendiri macamana suasananya. Mesti meriah

  24. Indian weddings always look so grand & glamorous, love the vibrant colors & tradition

  25. wedding hindi memang meriah.Penuh warna warni.. ceria sungguh suasana.Tak permah lagi dapat invitation wedding hindi.. sebab takde kawan hindi..ehehe.Teringin nak pergi.. Nak juga pakai sareee

  26. So far tak pernah lagi attend wedding orang India. Mesti meriah kan.. Biasa tengok dalam cite hindustan je, hahaha. Tapi pernah sekali gi wedding member di Palembang. Dia buat tema Bollywood, memang style

  27. Kemeriahan wedding diaorang memang seronok tengok, pastu masih kekalkan adat resam walau zaman dah moden.

  28. I've been to an Indian wedding before. It was held in London where my Indian friend got married to an English man. It was superb! His family was all about "getting into the tradition" so the setting, clothes and to the last detail are more Indian that India. I was very happy to see someone who's not of that ethnicity but make the effort to get involved and to make the culture alive.


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